Road to Rio: 6 Summer Olympics Classroom Activities

Are you ready for the Summer Olympics? I love watching all of the events, especially swimming and gymnastics. There are some great learning activities that go along with the Olympics and your students will love beginning the year with this unit. And, I can't think of a better way for students to learn about countries and their cultures.

1. Summer Olympics Mini-Book

This mini book gives students an opportunity to write about the symbols, athletes, and different sports. I suggest completing the book, then color, cut the pages in half and staple the book.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

 2. Olympic History

Provide students with websites and books about the history of the Olympics. They can also read the passage I've provided. Then, fill out the information sheet about the symbols.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

3. Google Maps Scavenger Hunt

Give the students different landmarks in Rio that they have to locate. They can read the description of the landmark. Some of the locations can include the Olympic venues for the different events.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

4. PowerPoint Hidden Pictures Game 

Add a photo of Rio or something representing the Olympics to the background of a slide and then cover with numbered squares. I've created one that is part of my unit. Teachers can add their own questions or use the questions I provided.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

5. Brochures with Canva templates

I love Canva. It's so easy to use and there are templates for any graphic design need. I've provided a template with PowerPoint, but Canva has such a professional look.
The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries. 

6. Be a Reporter with Video

Students can create a video about the Olympics or an Olympic athlete. One fun option is to use the app Green Screen. Find a background about the sport with students dressed up like the athlete. They will love this activity.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

Just click on the image below to find out more about my Olympic unit.

The Summer Olympics is coming up! Teachers, there are so many activities you can do with your elementary students. This is a great way to incorporate technology and learn about other countries.

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