Hands-On Math at the Grocery Store

Grocery Store Math - Hands-On Activities, Get your children involved while shopping for groceries, use estimation, read labels and plan meals with a budget

During the summer when your children get bored, put them to work at the grocery. This is a wonderful time to get your children involved with purchasing your groceries. And, you can't find better activities for real-life learning. Teachers, there are activities you can do in your classroom, too!

End of the Year - Open an Ice Cream Shop

Looking for ideas for the end of the year? Try this fun PBL unit with your students. They will love opening their very own ice cream shop.

Testing is over... you want your students to relax and enjoy the end of the year. This is a great time to try some different project based units with your students. Project Based Learning implements 21st Century Skills, connects to real world situations, gives students an opportunity to collaborate and drive their own learning. And, learning can be assessed in different ways.

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