Go Digital with Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks

When implementing a project based learning unit, organization is a key element to any project's success. I highly recommend using interactive notebooks as a guide in project based learning. Instead of using so much paper, why don't you go PAPERLESS with DIGITAL Project Based Learning Interactive Notebooks. Your students will stay organized, they'll be able to collaborate, and learning can be student-centered.

Start using project based learning interactive notebooks. Your upper elementary students will love them, and the technology component makes them even easier! Learn why your PBL time should go to interactive technology, focus on more effective driving questions, and let students focus more on inquiry. Your 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students will get more voice and choice in their learning while you cover needed standards. {third, fourth, fifth, sixth graders, upper elementary}


Characterization and Emojis in the Classroom

Bring characterization to life by using emojis in the classroom. Your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students will love this method of learning a reading strategy. You can choose to teach reading skills through a digital or technology format with this download. Click through to learn some great new ideas, support the standards, and get your students engaged and excited about learning! Reading, vocabulary, and other ELA topics are all covered. {second, third, fourth, fifth graders}
How do you feel when you see emojis? Do they make you laugh, sad, angry? Do you have specific feelings when you see them? We use emojis to express our emotions and to convey a message. This is why using emojis in the classroom can be such a great activity!

When reading a story, common core standards require students to "describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events." 

Using emojis in the classroom can help students with the vocabulary to describe personality traits or feelings of people or animals in a story. In this post, you'll learn how you can use emojis in the classroom to teach characterization.

Bring characterization to life by using emojis in the classroom. Your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students will love this method of learning a reading strategy. You can choose to teach reading skills through a digital or technology format with this download. Click through to learn some great new ideas, support the standards, and get your students engaged and excited about learning! Reading, vocabulary, and other ELA topics are all covered. {second, third, fourth, fifth graders}

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