1. Select a Turkey
- Students will select the "Freestyle" grid.- Select "Web Search" and type the word "turkey." Add "png" after the word. This will make sure there isn't a white background.
- Then, adjust the size and click to select.
2. Add Details
- After Adjusting the size, repeat to select more images to add to the turkey that you can use for the disguise.- If this is an image that you don't want to use, just double click on the image and select the "trash can."
- Images can be cropped and duplicated by double clicking on the image.
- Words, symbols, and backgrounds can be added to complete the image.
- Save the image to the library.
3. Completed Products
4. Writing Activity
To complete the activity, students can complete a persuasive writing activity to persuade people to not eat turkey for Thanksgiving.

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